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For the answer, just click on the respective question!

For the answer, just click on the respective question!

Are the prices inclusive or exclusive of VAT?

Are the prices inclusive or exclusive of VAT?

The prices on the website and in the catalog including the VAT.

Where you deliver your goods?

Where you deliver your goods?

We are committed to deliver our range of products in the entire world.

What can I do if my ordered goods has suffered damage in transit?

What can I do if my ordered goods has suffered damage in transit?

Damages in transit can only be approved if announced by the customer without delay, 48 hours after receipt of the delivery at the latest in written form or via e-mail.

How will my ordered spare parts be shipped?

How will my ordered spare parts be shipped?

The delivery in Austria and Germany is carried out within 3-5 working days via parcel service. The maximum weight per parcel is 31.5 kg. If heavier or bulky, “Reinhard Hütterer” can split the ordered goods to 2 parcels. Heavy goods which are not separable are delivered by a forwarding agent.

Current forwarding costs in Austria and European Countries can be found in the information on tariffs of the Austrian Post Service.

How long does it take until my order arrives at my place?

How long does it take until my order arrives at my place?

Delivery is made in Austria and Germany within 3 - 5 business days, by parcel service. The maximum weight for a package to 31.5 kg. For heavy or bulky parts, we reserve the option of dividing the goods ordered on 2 parcels. Heavy, indivisible Shipments carried by a transport company.

Please search for the current shipping rates in Austria and European countries at the website of the österreichischen Post.

What can I do if I ordered the wrong spare part?

What can I do if I ordered the wrong spare part? 

Please contact us and we will find a solution.

What should I do if I received the wrong spare part?

What should I do if I received the wrong spare part?

Anticipate we would like to apologize for it, of course, very much.

Subsequently, we would ask that you contact us and we will work together on a solution to the problem.

Are your spare parts original one?

Are your spare parts original one?

As long as our spare parts are not marked otherwise, all offered Steyr-Daimler-Puch Haflinger spare parts are really original spare parts of Steyr-Daimler-Puch for the Steyr-Daimler-Puch Haflinger.

How to reach a contact person?

How to reach a contact person?

Therefore you have different ways:


  • contact form
  • mail adress
  • Fax: +43 (0)2236 / 90 99 43
  • Tel.: +43 (0)664 / 35 84 127

Where can I download the order form?

Where can I download the order form?

This form and other interessting files you find in our downloads.

Which opening times do they have?

Which opening times do they have?

 There are no set opening times. If you have any questions or want to buy some spare parts directly from us, we would ask you to contact us by phone or by mail and fix an appointment.

Is there a direct sale & cash sale?

Is there  a direct sale & cash sale?

 Although actually we prefer the shipping. But we also offer you the direct and cash sales. Please be so kind and contact us before by phone or mail.

What payment options do you offer?

What payment options do you offer?


  • Bank transfer (by new or foreign costumers und in spezial cases we allow us to request prepayment)
  • cash on delivery (be careful: extra costs)
  • cash

How much does shipping cost?

How much does shipping cost?

Current forwarding costs in Austria and European Countries can be found in the information on tariffs of the Austrian Post Service.

What shipping options do you offer?

What shipping options do you offer?

We generally preferred shipping with the “österreichische Post”. In the special case that one of our customers prefer to pick it up themselves, we would ask you to contact us before ( by mail or the telephone) and arrange an appointment with us.

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