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shipping information & payment



All stated prices are quoted in Euro (€) ex stock of “Reinhard Hütterer” excluding charges for packing and delivery. All originated allowances including possible import/export charges are paid by the customer. The prices are based upon the cost at the time of the first offer and are valid until cancelled respectively the publication of a new price list. The increase of prices comes into effect without stating reasons immediately. The prices for spare parts, accessories and copies are quoted including 20% VAT, for books 10% VAT is valid.

  • Bank transfer (by new or foreign costumers und in spezial cases we allow us to request prepayment)
  • cash on delivery (be careful: extra costs)
  • Cash

The invoices of “Reinhard Hütterer” are due for payment upon acceptance of the goods. Without special agreement, the invoice total is to be paid without deduction of allowances or other discounts immediately via bank transfer. This is also valid for accepted deliveries when late.

In case of deliveries to other countries “Reinhard Hütterer” can restrict the range of payment methods if applicable.

In case of default of payment “Reinhard Hütterer” is entitled to charge interest for default and reminder resp. cashing fees, furthermore “Reinhard Hütterer” is leased from further deliveries and services.

Any charges for legal actions are at the expense of the buyer. In case of late payment the contract or parts of it can be cancelled by “Reinhard Hütterer” at any time. Obligated charges have to be paid by the customer.

Initial payments can come into effect for ordering larger amounts, for customers in other countries or for first-time customers.

Pickup of the goods by the customer or an authorized third party:

The buyer can pick up the goods directly from the storage or have a third party collect them. Goods having been checked and handed over are considered to be complete and in a good condition. The delivery to a third party identified by the buyer has the same effect as the delivery to the buyer himself. The goods are handed over when having been fully paid.


The dispatch is carried out on the authority of the buyer and is subject to forwarding costs. If the forwarding costs change between the conclusion of the contract and the dispatch, “Reinhard Hütterer” is entitled to adapt prices accordingly. The choice of the forwarding agent rests with “Reinhard Hütterer”.

The dispatch of ordered goods is carried out within 3-5 working days. Stated delivery-times are not binding and are valid under restriction of respective dispatch possibilities. If not met, the buyer is not entitled to claim default or step back from the contract. The same comes into effect in case of third party fault, eg. the forwarding agent / parcel service.

If ordered goods are not in stock, the customer will be notified in written form or by telephone.


The delivery in Austria and Germany is carried out within 3-5 working days via parcel service. The maximum weight per parcel is 31.5 kg. If heavier or bulky, “Reinhard Hütterer” can split the ordered goods to 2 parcels. Heavy goods which are not separable are delivered by a forwarding agent.

Current forwarding costs in Austria and European Countries can be found in the information on tariffs of the Austrian Post Service.

Damages in transit can only be approved if announced by the customer without delay, 48 hours after receipt of the delivery at the latest in written form or via e-mail.


The goods are property of the company Reinhard Hütterer until full payment.

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