Steyr-Daimler-Puch AG, a major company of the iron industry in Austria was built in 1934 by the merger of the Austro-Daimler Puchwerke AG and Steyr-Werke AG. Steyr Leopold Werndl had a rifle factory in 1830, which his son Josef Werndl had continued in 1869 as a weapons factory-Austrian Society. Arms production was replaced in 1894 by the bike and after 1918 by the automobile production; 1923 Steyr-Werke AG. Founded in 1899 in Wiener Neustadt, the Austrian Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft had a year added to the production of automobiles. First Styrian Bicycle Factory AG (Johann Puch) was established, which produced motorcycles and cars - also in 1899 in Graz was founded the company Johann Puch. The two companies merged in 1928 Austro-Daimler AG Puchwerke. Around 1965 cars, trucks, SUVs, tractors, agricultural machinery, bearings, hunting guns, motorcycles and scooters, mopeds, bicycles, tools and Stable engines were produced, about one-third of the production was exported. With manufacturing plants in Steyr, Latvians, Graz, Vienna-Simmering and St. Valentine, the production of trucks (1989 to 80% in MAN, Steyr Nutzfahrzeuge AG), buses, tractors, small cars (up to 1973), SUV (Haflinger 1959 - 74, Pinzgauer) 1971-2000, wheeled and tracked vehicles, bearings, guns, motorcycles, scooters and bicycles (cessation of all motorcycle production in 1987) and around 17,000 employees, the company in 1980 after the Voest-Alpine AG (Voest) and the United Edelstahlwerke AG 3 the Place in the Austrian industry is. After restructuring and distribution to several companies (Steyr drive technology and others), the Group had 1991 or 8900 employees. In the 90's by the majority owner Loan-Bankverein AG submitted production segments: the production of bearings was sold to the Swedish SKF, the buses to the Swedish Volvo Group and the tractors to the American Case Group. In 1998 (with the exception of Steyr-Mannlicher, rifles) the sale of all previous CA-Equity (66.8% of the Steyr-Daimler-Puch AG) to the Magna Holding AG, which bought up more shares of small shareholders of the company, the production of heavy weapons was in the same year sold through management buyout to an investor group led by HM Malzacher. The Group of the Steyr-Daimler-Puch AG was incorporated into the Group of Magna Holding AG, the restructured Steyr-Daimler-Puch AG now comprises mainly the drive technology division, it posted in 1998 with 933 employees and a turnover of 3.79 billion shillings. Regardless, the Steyr-Daimler-Puch Fahrzeugtechnik AG & Co. KG (SFT) in Graz as a separate subsidiary of Magna Holding AG.